“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.” ― Mark Twain

About Me

My story starts in a small southwestern town in the former Soviet Union. At a young age, my family immigrated to the United States and settled in Wichita, KS.

After graduating high school, I moved to Dallas, TX to pursue my career in the medical plasma field. While in Dallas, I studied Information Technology at Phoenix University to further progress in my field and to develop my professional knowledge.

In 2020, just as Covid19 was ramping up, my current employer brought me to Seattle where I now reside and work.

When time allows, I am a very passionate world traveler, an avid snowboarder, and occasionally a timid skydiver.

I joined the Full Stack Application Development Bootcamp to advance my knowledge and career beyond what it is now, and so far, it has been an absolute blast and a great challenge. At the end of the bootcamp, newly gained skills will go towards transitioning out of a medical field-type career and towards something new and more interesting, as well as more flexible where I will be able to work and travel more freely.


Horiseon Social Solutions Services, Inc.

Website for Horiseon,Inc.


Event Dash Application

Upcoming Project 3

Cucumber-or-pickle Application

Upcoming Project 4

snorkeling image

Upcoming Project 5

airport with a plane taking off
